Today I was reading about a device the military has access to called ADS that is used as a crowd control measure. It fires a concentrated beam of electromagnetic waves at targets, stimulating the sensation of being on fire.

Is it possible to defeat this new tool of worker oppression and if so how? Can protesters affordably defeat this measure on a mass scale?

    • @Shaggy0291OP
      4 years ago

      A Faraday cage would presumably be effective, but the thing that bothers me is that there is no specific description of the mechanics of this weapon. All we can do is infer the specifics from a description of the damage it inflicts; that the radiation only “penetrates 1/64th of an inch into the skin”. I’m not a biophysicist or a radiologist, so I couldn’t begin to guess what kind of wavelength we’re dealing with, though someone does cite “radio waves” so assuming they aren’t talking in generalities we can assume it’s a very long wavelength.

      What kind of makeshift, wearable Faraday cage could be constructed by a mass of people from readily available materials? It seems to me that so far the only really worthwhile strategy is disabling the weapon from outside it’s effective range, something like 3 football fields? That’d require an anti-materiel rifle at least.