I still believe in the idea that the CIA or factions within the bourgeoisie assassinated JFK. It doesn’t matter that JFK was a war criminal who was just as bad as most other Presidents in the United States history. What matters is that his death to this day just comes off as incredibly suspicious and the fact that he wanted to get rid of the CIA just makes me… not really trust the official narrative. I mean, the narrative painting the man who did initially as a communist just seems too convenient…

I’m sorry, I know how I sound, but I used to grow up with 9/11 conspiracy theories as well. In many ways, it made me anti-imperialist, but it certainly did give rise in me to certain suspicious about the US government as well. I know that I shouldn’t be thinking like this, but honestly? I don’t know. And perhaps none of us will know for sure. But I can’t help but get the feeling that the bourgeoisie would easily cannibalize their own.

The US would never kill its own head of state? They’re easily replaceable, don’t have complete control of the federal government, and besides, kings were assassinated by nobles way back when for much less.

Honestly, I get how I sound, and maybe it’s my extreme case of OCD, but I just grew up with this as a fact. Maybe I need to rethink all this.

I’m sorry, comrades, but this is kinda hard for me.

(Also, this is a reply to the previous thread about this topic).

  • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
    14 years ago

    I know all this. I’m just saying that I still think that JFK was offed by the CIA. And yes, I’m well-aware that JFK only cared about his position in all this, nothing more.

    • @calmlamp
      14 years ago

      Yeah, but why does that matter?

      • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
        14 years ago

        I don’t think it matters much in the grand scheme of things. I just think that people deserve to know the truth, but that’s about it.

        • @calmlamp
          34 years ago

          In general I agree actually, but really how this question could be settled is by opening up the CIA’s archives one way or another, not endless speculation.