• @JucheEnjoyerOP
      22 years ago

      do you believe what you said is accurate to reality?

        • @JucheEnjoyerOP
          22 years ago

          ah okay, it’s just that there is no evidence of that happening. all these news stories come from anonymous sources and other non-credible ones. the main thing we have to go off is things like books and movies from the country, people who have visited and those who have lived there. the only sort of credible source against it is defectors, but as soon as you scratch beneath the surface their stories and credibility fall apart. theyre paid to lie, get their passports taken off them, imprisoned etc in South Korea and so they lie for money because it’s all they can do. there’s thousands of Koreans living abroad and none of them actually dislike their country

            • @JucheEnjoyerOP
              32 years ago

              you dont buy the things i say but you buy everything the mainstream media says? even though neither of us have gave any sources? i’m not expecting you to believe me because i did not provide any evidence, but you should think twice about the double standard

                • @JucheEnjoyerOP
                  2 years ago

                  Western media may have freedom of speech but it’s ran by large companies who’s interests ultimately are imperialism, capitalism etc. you’ll rarely find an msm article that goes against the status quo, there may be a couple examples but ultimately those are rare in comparison to how many awful things are happening that they dont talk about and how many lies they tell to push their agenda

                  • AgreeableLandscape☭
                    32 years ago

                    Not to mention, there is still Western media that calls bullshit on the popular DPRK narrative. Mostly from smaller left leaning publications. They’re acting like those just don’t exist.

      • SudoDnfDashY
        22 years ago

        No it is not. Saying that the DPRK is a evil state communist regime is just like saying that the US is a evil state capitalist regime. Neither of those statements are racist, as they are just a critisism of the government, not any race.

        • Sr Estegosaurio
          22 years ago

          True, when I complain about X country I’m complaining about their government/representatives. It does not make you a Y thing just bc you have boorn on X country. Ppl is not like that.

          • Sr Estegosaurio
            12 years ago

            Btw races are not a thing. Biologically speaking there is not that much difference between humans to separate them in races. Which btw makes racism look even more stupid if it can.