Title kinda says all, but Mastodon looks interesting to me… except I don’t know whether I should get one. I keep hearing that it’s “Twitter for saner people.” I guess? I’m fine with Twitter, even if it’s a bit hectic at times. But all the same: I’m just curious about the hype surrounding Mastodon.

  • @triplenadir
    22 years ago

    A lot of people use it like Twitter (public posts), but you can also set it up more like Facebook – turn on “Require follow requests” and set default post (toot) visibility to “Followers only” and it’s more like the Farcebook private-by-default.

    Mastodon is part of the same “ActivityPub” network as Lemmy, and there’s some cross-compatibility (so far seems like you can interact with Lemmy posts from Mastodon if you can find them, but the UI is a bit awkward, and I don’t think you can sign into a Lemmy instance with a Mastodon account…)

    • Makan ☭ CPUSAOP
      12 years ago

      Gotcha. Very interesting! I’ll keep this in mind.