Please ask me anything you want about firearms. I work as a firearms engineer, and would be happy to answer questions, I also invite other people to answer questions.

  • @NothingButBits
    54 years ago

    What is the best gun to have at home for protection and why?

    • Star Wars Enjoyer OPMA
      4 years ago

      It’s a subjective answer, ultimately you need to assess the conditions of your neighbourhood and the layout of your home and pick a firearm that would be suited to that. If you live in an apartment complex, you have a high risk of collateral damage with most arms. If you live out in the country you might need to shoot at longer distance and have less risk of hitting an innocent. So, to borrow a metaphor, read the tea leaves.

      In my opinion, a decent pump shotgun is what most homeowners/renters should have in their home for defence. But you could defend your home with anything, and it’s really up to you at the end of the day.