Please ask me anything you want about firearms. I work as a firearms engineer, and would be happy to answer questions, I also invite other people to answer questions.

  • @queer_bird
    84 years ago

    What’s the cheapest kind of gun that isn’t complete garbage?

    If looking for a cheap gun is it better to get something new or check out pawn shops and the like?

    Are those make-your-own gun kits you can order online worth it? Especially if you aren’t with experienced in such hardware?

    Also, my favorite looking gun is those cool Mauser pistols with the thin barrel and I saw some at a local pawn shop, so I’m wondering if they are dependable/fun to shoot.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer OPMA
      4 years ago
      • What’s the cheapest kind of gun that isn’t complete garbage?

      prices can vary heavily place to place, but generally, foreign milsurp rifles from before the 1950s are the cheapest guns that can be found. In some places, you can get a Mosin Nagant for right around $100. Unlike what certain memers like to believe, no gun is “complete garbage”. If a gun sucks, it just needs more work.

      • If looking for a cheap gun is it better to get something new or check out pawnshops and the like?

      Depends on what you’re in the market for. There’s a few companies that specialize in selling cheap-but-modern guns, such as Keltec. But, pawnshops generally sell at affordable prices. Though, a majority of the guns I’ve picked up from pawnshops needed to be taken into the shop to fix some problems. So, just understand you get what you pay for.

      • Are those make-your-own gun kits you can order online worth it? Especially if you aren’t with experienced in such hardware?

      Homebuilding is only worthwhile if you have the tools. But, if you have the tools, there’s walkthroughs for most kits, and generally making guns is straight forwards once you have the technical data. I recommend doing a homebuild at least once in your life, but I understand not everyone gets the privilege of having a shop full of tools and the time to dedicate to such a thing.

      • Also, my favorite looking gun is those cool Mauser pistols with the thin barrel and I saw some at a local pawn shop, so I’m wondering if they are dependable/fun to shoot.

      The question should never be “well, is it reliable”, and rather should always be “well, can I afford it”. Broken guns can be fixed or sold, and it’s more than possible to have a fun shooting day on a gun that doesn’t always load properly.