Dear Lemmy, as you may well be aware, racial hierarchies and colonial empires are doing good in these early 2020s. In particular, in the days of the war in Ukraine, it’s important to point out the fascist tendencies at play.

Fascism and racial/cultural hierarchies are on the rise on every continent, from Turkey to Brasil, to China, to France, to India… Fuck all Nations! Destroy all borders, and long live autonomous Communes!

On the Ukraine side of things, there’s a bunch of neo-nazis in the army, as well as more traditional nationalists/fascists. It’s not exactly a secret, and the former president was very close to these circles:

Photo montage with ukrainian neo-nazis

On the Russian side of things, there’s also a bunch of neo-nazis in the army as well as traditional nationalists/fascists. It’s not exactly a secret either:

Russian military officer with a nazi eagle

Both governments have long fought against popular movements and anarchist/antifascist networks. Both countries have neo-nazi/fascist militias parading down the streets and beating/killing random people. Just like France or USA have them too.

Don’t trust me? Check out the wikipedia page on neo-nazism. Follow their sources and make yourself an opinion. It’s very instructive, although very incomplete. I definitely recommend to check out the Racism in Ukraine and Racism in Russia pages, too.

Please remember that when you try to paint one side of a conflict as the good anti-nazi hero. Nazis are fucking everywhere. Fascists and nazis have been running the show in much of the world even after WWII ended. Nazi collaborators were responsible for France’s war against the algerian people, and their grandchildren (spiritual or biological) are responsible for today’s new repression, wars and genocides.

We need to dismantle nazism and fascism at its root: the nation State and cultural supremacy. Yes, you should be proud of your local culture and land. No, that does not justify diminishing other cultures/lands.

All we exploited/struggling people have to stand in solidarity with other people struggling for freedom and equality across the planet. No border divides us in the international socialist/anarchist movement. We will fight against all Empires for autonomous communities worldwide!

PS: If you need more detailed resources on neo-nazi/neo-fascist/nationalist/traditionalist on the rise in a specific country/region, feel free to ask. There are chances i have some good articles/documentaries, and if not i’ve got ideas about who to ask.

  • Muad'DibberA
    3 年前

    In Ukraine, since the Maidan coup, being a communist is illegal, and the communist party of Ukraine is outlawed..

    The Central Election Commission of Ukraine prohibited the candidacy of Petro Symonenko (leader of the Ukrainian Communist party) for the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election due to the fact that the statute, name and symbolism of his party did not comply with the 2015 decommunisation laws. 1

    There are no laws against neo-nazism in Ukraine.

    In Russia, communism is not outlawed, and the CPRF is the 2nd largest political party in the country.

    There are explicit laws against nazism in Russia, and it is 100% illegal.

    The revival of Ukrainian nazism is in full-force: there are hundreds of new memorials, streets, stadiums, etc being named after Stepan Bandera and other pogromists. 2

    Also, only one of those countries voted against condemning nazism:

    Also the lithuanian source is sus, considering lithuania also has never outlawed nazism, and like Ukraine, has a ton of nazi monuments erected since its color revolution.

      3 年前

      This is because in the former USSR communist parties are not real communist parties, but rather they are right-wing Russian nationalist parties. Don’t let the label fool you, because it’s just the Russian imperial party, so for example of the communist party in Ukraine had its way Kyiv would be a puppet regime of Moscow.

        3 年前

        Maybe if communists on Lemmy disagree with you, the CPUSA is saying “abolish NATO”, the communist parties of Ukraine and the KPRF don’t agree with you, then maybe it’s not that they are “fake communists.” Maybe it’s you that isn’t a real communist