Take this comment for instance. The OP posts a quote by Marx saying basically what Lenin said over 65 years later in Left-Wing Communism: bourgeois elections should be used by a communist party to advance revolutionary platforms.

The commenter goes on to say that Marx and Lenin’s words are invalidated because Lenin participated in Duma’s, basically parroting socdem and revisionist excuses to vote for "the lesser evil, completely ignoring the above that communists should participate in bourgeois political structures as a communist party, not saying vote for which strain of reactionary ideology you think is best.

The comment below it brings up these points, but the fact that the first is upvoted this highly is concerning, especially given how strict the sub usually is in maintaining an ML line.

  • @NothingButBits
    4 years ago

    We have to face it, a lot of internet communists are not really communists and would quickly settle for a few reforms. Give them free healthcare and free college, and I’m sure these people would turn against actual communists, saying that “we’re too radical and idealist” or that “it’s the best we can do right now”.

    My favorite one is when they say that voting for a social democrat candidate will bring socialism because people will love the reforms and will want to go further. Do these people know nothing of history? We have a century of social democratic policies in Europe and socialism still hasn’t arrived!

    The objective of social democracy is to weaken the popular support for socialism and communism. Not to mention that policies like free healthcare or free college, would envolve drastic changes in American society, which would only come if there is enough pressure from the masses. This implies that there is a lot of militancy in unions and radical left parties. Otherwise you can vote for Bernie or whoever, they will only accomplish insignificant reforms.