• Star Wars Enjoyer A
    82 years ago

    you point out a good thing, but this article also does something subtle.

    Instead of saying “the Chinese Authorities” or “The Communist Party”, they say “The Chinese”. Giving the impression that it’s the will of the whole of the Chinese population, rather than the guidance and policies of the government. This subtle use of phrasing is likely being used to make the Anti-China crowds use racist anti-Chinese arguments.

    If you can convince people that the citizens on the other side are all content with the things your government sees as “bad”, you can convince them that as a race and a culture the citizens themselves are part of that “bad”, thus making racism justified while it’s directed at the intended targets. This same publication wrote “stop asian hate” articles in 2020, but post things that inspire asian hate anyways.

    If anyone was wondering why I hate western media, this is a big reason.