Cargo e-bikes generally have a battery capacity limit of around 25 miles (which batteries aren’t meant to be fully drained every time they’re used anyway).

Any suggestions that don’t include the use of cars in a carpool or moving?

Is “Fuck Cars” a pro-city/anti-rural philosophy?

  • ghost_laptop
    02 years ago

    What I tried to say is that it could easily be solved in the sense that the solution to your problem would be easy if your country would be willing to spend some money on infrastructure, but that will never happen simply because liberal democracy is incapable of doing anything to prevent the climate crisis, therefore it will never stop relying on cars.

    • @beansniffer@lemmy.mlOP
      22 years ago

      Then is the point of this community just to vent frustrations without actually changing anything because its pointless? I mean that’s fine, I guess.

      • ghost_laptop
        12 years ago

        I mean, most of the communities regarding any kind of politics tend to be pointless in the sense they don’t achieve nothing, that’s what I think of /r/antiwork for example. I don’t think you can fight back the lobby done my car manufacturers within a capitalist society if that’s what you’re asking. I’m here because I like seeing posts that reinforce and serve as facts about how poorly designed is the urban model that uses cars as its main transportation mechanism.