• 16 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2021


  • it is about to get far, far worse and the WEF itself has ‘warned’ us of it. ANY tool can be used for good or bad, of course. Where are America protesters against nuclear wars? I see all of the European protesters in videos, but no Americans. Yet, it is Biden and our evil leaders who are beating the war drums. George Soros alluded that we will go to war with China soon - he seemed to say in 2022, because his January address to his Open Society said this year will be a very, very important one in history records and he also barely mentioned Russia, yet was quite focused on China.

  • GenkiFeral@lemmy.mltoWorld News@lemmy.mlDeath by Nationalism?
    2 years ago

    I hope YOU are on the front lines or the first to sacrifice your heroic self. Count me out, buddy. I want peace and longevity for Russians, Ukrainians, Iranians, Chinese, and my own countrymen. Zelensky signed a pledge (to whom, idk) that he wouldn’t negotiate with Putin, but only with another/new Russian president. NEGOTIATE. The USA overthrew the previous Ukrainian president in 2013 or 2014 in their Euromaidan event. The evidence is on the internet if you care to find it. I don’t like Biden or Trump much, but if either were killed or overthrown by the meddling of a foreign government, I’d have a fit.

  • Sure. That’s a fair question. Globalists want what they themselves have repeatably called (in the past) a “New World Order”. This world be one central government that would control every nation, every individual, and every inch of the planet. The groups involved shockingly often go into quite a bit of detail regarding their plans and post those ideas and plans on their official websites and Youtube channels. Some (not all) of these groups are often inter-related and you’ll see the same words, phrases, and concepts used by them all: World Economic Forum (WEF), United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Bank of Settlements (IBS), the World Bank, and almost all of the world’s central banks. The WEF’s website covers the companies involved and if you go to those companies’ websites and Youtube channels, often you’ll see those recurring concepts, words, and phrases. This is a huge network and they want to make citizens into micromanaged serfs. They use sweet lies about “helping” us and “helping” the planet, the business practices of the company-partners in the WEF are horrible for the environment and people.

  • I’ve seen the videos about this and it is scary that people don’t own their own camera/doorbell-camera footage.
    But, things are about to get far worse and we all need to stick together to fight this. United we stand. Divided we fall. Companies such as Google and Amazon are big players in this power grab. But, so are banks and file companies. I sure hope everyone gets very acquainted with the names on the WEF partner/shareholder lists and removes as many of them from their lives as possible. Here is one of the lists: https://www.weforum.org/partners#S

  • The USA is run by evil globalists and I look forward to hearing about those individuals hung from ropes in front of court houses all over the USA. I fully realize that my government bullies or otherwise treats unfairly peoples from all over the world. I am hoping there is a civil war in the larger western countries. I would never want the Chinese government to rule anyone - not even the Chinese people. One type of tyranny and corruption is possibly as bad as the next. I hope the Chinese people revolt along with other countries all at the same hour on the same day. Humans are meant to be free and content with life - otherwise life isn’t worth living.