Call Me Mañana

🇧🇷 Latino-Americano. Estudante de Física. Marxista.

A propósito, eu uso Arch.

🇻🇦 Latinus-Americanus. Discipulus Physicae. Marxista.

Ipse Arch utor per viam.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 29th, 2023


  • If you plan well, you can, by choosing your targets very carefully, disrupt the board of directors of a major oil company and thus affect its activities for some time. The most direct and effective way to do this, however, is by sabotage. I am not particularly advocating any of these strategies, I firmly believe that the only solution to climate change is socialist revolution, but these kinds of tactics can culminate in a revolutionary movement, while this other one that you say that “makes people mad” apparently does nothing to develop a revolutionary spirit.

  • They are not as effective as they used to be because of the whole historical context (for starters, we no longer have a great socialist nation serving as a practical example of what can happen to the bourgeoisie if it decides to completely ignore the demands of the workers) and the fact that the working class has never been less ideologically organized than it is today. Still, strikes continue to be one of the most effective ways to force the machine of capital to listen to the demands of the working class. The problem is organizing these demands.

  • These protests do work. And is suspected to be largely behind why a fair fraction of the population care about climate change.

    This claim lacks evidence.

    And working class people will be pressed into cleaning up the mess of direct action too, so I don’t understand the argument there.

    It’s one thing to create unnecessary burdens for working class people by doing some self-indulgent shit, but quite another to do so when you’re actively fighting for the future of the entire working class. And no, rich kids who vandalize historical sites and works of art aren’t doing that.

  • The worst thing is that they are talking a lot of heretical ultraconservative nonsense. Lay people have no say in what is or is not an effective sacrament. I hope all these “trads” admit once and for all that they are actually Protestants. Besides, if they are such traditionalists, the Apostle Paul writes that women have no voice in these matters: they can’t even be conservative right.

  • Responding to the part you added later: the question is not simply having individual use value, which one could argue that prostitution has, the question is whether labor transforms matter into merchandise or not, in short, whether it produces or not value (having value and producing value are different things).

    (Paintings, Movies, TV Shows, Games etc) shouldn’t be included either because there is no tangible value being created.

    No, there is tangible value being created. You take the combined work of everyone involved in production and end up with a commodity. Paintings, Movies, TV Shows and Games are commodities.

  • It shouldn’t be, that’s what I’m saying. It’s unproductive labor, in the sense that it doesn’t produce value. The service sector is paid with the product produced by the producing sector (mainly industry and agriculture). Counting their “production” is counting the same money twice. Artists as a whole don’t necessarily fit into the service sector, because their work can produce value, depending on how they work. For example, craftsmen and musicians who record their music produce value, because their work is transformed into a commodity.

    EDIT: I know I spoke a bit confusingly, but English is not my primary language and I read Marx in my language, so I don’t know the precise translation of many terms.

  • Taking 100 reál from him doesn’t even constitute theft, the contrast in his wealth is so great that he literally bends the light. 100 reál is less than a penny to him. He could have financed the RPG guys until the end, with all their absurd goals, without even feeling it. This kind of “robbery” isn’t even satisfactory, since it doesn’t cause any damage. And I actually felt terrible taking those 100 reál, because simply pretending to be a liberal is already too much for me. The fact that the game actually counts it as an ultra-liberal speech makes the feeling even worse.