Noah Loren

Avatar: Akko communist Otaku Antifascista

Banner: Marxs, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Akko.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2024


  • Noah LorentoChinaIs China persecuting christians or is that a lie?
    2 months ago

    No, unfortunately not - Just kidding, I’m sorry, it’s just that I’m Brazilian and we’re going through some problems with Christians here in my country, in fact the world is going through a problem with Christians helping to pass anti-LGBTQIAPN+ laws.

    Usually what is reported to us Westerners as “religious persecution” is the fight against terrorism and fundamentalist sects.

    The Pope ordains a bishop in China. There are Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox churches in China and masses are said in more than one language because the population is so diverse. There are also mosques and Buddhist temples. But most of the population idolizes regional deities - probably because of the low belief in monotheistic religions it is categorized as a society of atheists - but religiosity is discouraged among members of the Communist Party of China to avoid conflict of interest. Historically, China has had a problem with monotheistic faiths trying to impose themselves by force on the population. Confucianism isn’t exactly a religion, it’s something that the CCP’s relationship with has changed over the years.

    Now, there are things that are forbidden.

    A Protestant church that makes the faithful vote for a certain political candidate, sucks all the money out of its followers and spreads disinformation will probably be barred if it tries to open a branch there - very specific? I’m talking about religious leaders in my country.

    Unfortunately, socialism has never succeeded in doing away with religion. There was religion in the USSR, there is religion in China, Vietnam, Laos and North Korea - Kim Il-sung was even born into a Protestant family - there are churches in all these countries.

    Church in China

    Church in China

  • Noah LorenOPtoMemesAre you a Grinch or a Jesus?
    2 months ago

    In my defense, I didn’t create the graphic, I just shared the meme. And to be fair, Jesus was born before the creation of capitalism. But he never spoke out against class society - Nor against slavery, and he also considered divorced people who remarried to be adulterers. However, he never condemned homosexuality. But let’s not start a discussion about the theology of Christianity here! XD Lol!