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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • I had something similar happen to me with Debian 12. I believe pressing ALT + F7 after it reached that “power off” message forced the computer to power off. Something caused it to get stuck, but I’m not 100% sure. It may have been some bug with my Samba file share setup, but I have no way of confirming that.

    Not sure if this will work for you, but it’s worth a try. Good luck and hope you solve the issue!

  • It goes much deeper than just coffee shops and other public wifi. There are people in oppressive countries that have to use VPNs to get around their country-wide bans of certain sites, such as anything that provides access to information. Reddit used to be a sanction for tons of information sharing. But now, with Reddit going public, they have to appeal to their shareholders, who probably have business or other deals in those oppressive countries. So, even if Reddit is simply trying to force users to be trackable, it still behooves the shareholders to make information and knowledge more difficult to access to certain people.

  • Flatpaks can also be used to run CLI programs, but it requires using flatpak run <package.name> instead of using the apps standard CLI command. But you can create an alias and should work mostly the same way.

    For example, I have neovim on my Debian laptop via flatpak. So in order to run it, you have to do

    flatpak run io.neovim.nvim

    You can create an alias for that command

    alias nvim='flatpak run io.neovim.nvim'

    And then you can use the nvim command as normal

  • These little ejector tools are useful for more than just SIM cards. CD/DVD ROM drives have force eject buttons inside tiny little holes that these can reach and push. Many hardware reset buttons are also hidden inside tiny holes.

    You could use an unfolded paperclip in a pinch. One of my air purifiers has a reset button inside a hole that is slightly too thin for the paper lips I have on hand. But the SIM ejector tool I keep around fits perfectly.

  • Nobody needs a smartwatch. The question really is: “Will a smartwatch benefit me?” I can’t speak to everyone’s use case, but for me it’s been really useful for my cycling. I have an LTE smartwatch, so it’s nice that I can leave my phone in the car or at home and still track my cycling (with GPS and heart rate monitoring). Less bulk for me to carry around, and I’m protecting my significantly more expensive phone from potential falls or crashes.

    This is great for my regular exercise cycling because I don’t really need my phone camera or anything with me while doing my regular routes. Just the ability to make and receive a call if I need to and track my cycling performance. And since the watch can also pair with my Bluetooth headphones, I can download a couple podcast episodes and keep myself entertained. Again, all without my more expensive, bulkier phone.

    Just like any consumer device, not everybody needs it. You find the right devices that make your routines more convenient.

  • kenopsik@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlTankies
    10 months ago

    This is something that I consistently see that people still haven’t gotten used to with Lemmy and other federated sites. People often complain about what they see on their feed or sometimes attack an OP for reposting. I assume people just aren’t thinking about it since we’re all still used to Reddit and using a centralized platform where everyone can see the same stuff. But with Lemmy, it seems that people forget that their feed will be completely different, based on which instance they are in.

  • Usually, people who speak out against teaching kids about gender typically have a religious agenda. I apologize for making that assumption about you.

    However, I do think it’s important to teach kids about what it means to be human and that nothing is ever exactly one way or the other. Most things in this universe operate on a spectrum. Nobody is “chest-thumping about trans stuff”. As I mentioned in my previous message, most people are just trying to teach kids about loving and caring for everyone and that it’s okay to be different.

    It shouldnt be “normalized” since it really isnt.

    And why should trans people not be normalized? If we only operated based on “this is wrong because it’s different”, then we would still believe that the Earth is flat, the Sun revolves around us, women shouldn’t vote, and white people have a god-given right to own slaves. The point is “It isn’t normal” is not a good excuse. Anything can be normalized.

    I think having that kind of mindset is based purely on fear of the unknown. A good education where we learn about other people and other cultures would vastly improve how we think about those around us.

  • The American political system is extremely broken. Part of me wonders if making voting mandatory would help. I believe our biggest problem is not having enough younger people in public office, and that may be a result of not enough young adults voting. Not just for presidential elections, but for local/midterm elections as well. Obviously it’s not something we can change right away, but I think we need to set ourselves on that path.

    We have too many people in office who only care about the short-term goals because they’re going to die soon anyway.

    We need term limits and quite possibly age limits in every aspect of public office. Sadly, the people who have the ability to make those changes are the ones benefitting from the current broken system. So they won’t make it happen.