• 2 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • Looks like they put off the science fair project for too long and had to throw this little number together the weekend before. Been there, I still remember mine: what genre of music will cats like? Hypothesis: classical. Result: hard rock. Sampled 4 cats over 5 genres, took an hour. Methodology was crap. Sample size was crap. It was a non-experiment that scraped a “you tried” grade

  • I have played HL1 and HL 2 and I still have like 5 more in my backlog. I have no idea what HL 2 Episode 1 and 2 are, Black Mesa is just HL1 HD I think, Deathmatch is multiplayer I think, Deathmatch: Source is in my library too whatever that is, Alyx exists but is only VR I think…

    Idk I got into half life thinking I had 2 games to play and now I have no idea what these other games in my library are. Going to have to do a deep dive soon.

  • Hazmatastic@lemm.eetoHydro Homies@lemmy.mlChange my mind
    6 months ago

    I hate water companies as much as the next guy, but processing water can be really expensive and would be disastrous for a company to do poorly. This take is like saying “you know fence companies don’t produce iron, right?” No, but it takes money to make the iron into a fence, just like it takes money to make water potable.

    That said, water companies can still go eat a dick. Idk how ethical smaller companies like liquid death are, but I just refill a reusable bottle when at all possible. I will go thirsty out of spite if the only water available is Nestlé. There is a lot more to complain about than saying they “don’t produce anything.”

  • Good to know I should avoid NVIDIA for Linux. The only NVIDIA card I have is on my gaming rig, so I don’t plan on having to deal with that since I’m sticking with Windows on that until (hopefully) more studios start caring about Linux compatibility. Can’t wait to cut that Microsoft umbilical cord permanently.

    That said, do I need dedicated graphics on a Plex server? I was going to go integrated, but your comment made me realize I never checked hardware requirements. Which are probably on Plex’s website. Which I am now going to go check because Lemmy isn’t Google and it’s not your responsibility to hand me answers I can easily find.

    Nope, not gonna be that guy today. Thanks lol