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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 4th, 2022


  • Ukraine Stans can never make up their mind about how important a settlement is.

    While they are defending it with tens of thousands of casualties it’s the most important strategic location ever and their valiant heroes are defending it.

    Then the moment they lose the battle and the settlement, suddenly it becomes an irrelevant tiny settlement that nobody’s even heard of.

  • leftists have actual ideals and beliefs, which is why we argue with each other.

    It’s partially because of that, but a lot of those ideals and beliefs on the left are chauvinistic, Liberal or idealistic and naive. We have to argue amongst ourselves in the western left constantly due to the eternal influx of “social democrats” and “market socialists” and “democratic socialists” and other various flavors of radlibs who still have one foot in Liberal ideology and Western chauvinism. We have to constantly purge ourselves of this tendency and correct our new young ‘comrades’ and it’s a never ending task.

    Whereas on the right there isn’t 100 years of anti-communist ideology and obfuscation and synthetic leftist/rightism to trudge through. The right didn’t have the CIA promoting distorters of their theories.