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Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Do you deny that many democrats/liberals have over the years acquiesced and even assisted in bad Republican legislation? That’s not a controversial thing to point out. They have.

    And look even you are giving qualifiers now. Calling yourself a socially liberal. Which is something very different from economic liberalism. Which is what generally people are talking about when they talk about liberals. If I had to Hazard a guess. I would say that you are honestly pro-social democracy more than you are a liberal. And in fact on many economic issues would actually be more on the left with the rest of the Socialist then you would most economic right wing liberals. Just something to consider.

    Anyhow I’ve said my piece. And it seems the actual extremist and downvote Squad have showed up. We had a pretty reasonable conversation but getting downvoted I don’t see the point and continuing it anymore have a good day.

  • What did I just finish saying. You are a person not an ideology. And if those articles really are written about you personally. Perhaps should do some introspection. No I believe you’re just engaging in hyperbole at the moment.

    But tell me you don’t have the self-awareness to see the irony in someone basically doing to you what you did to the lemmygrad poster. Which again, I don’t like lemmygrad. But you’re critique of that poster was rather equally extreme and uncalled for.

    It’s silly were even having this discussion at this point. Because I asure you for the topic this whole thread of posts is founded upon. You both probably agree far more than you disagree. And both your energies should be turned towards the people who made this a possibility. Not each other. Hell I’d say you both probably have a lot more in common than you think. It’s clear you’ve reduced them to the ideology of leninism. And you strongly identify yourself as a liberal. You are both adherence to largely failed ideologies. So you have that in common. I Kidd. But seriously. All of this is wasted drama and effort.

  • No one did. And even if they did that wasn’t the only thing I was talking about. There are valid criticisms about all ideologies especially liberalism. I may not agree with the extremism and hypocrisy that they attack it with. But sometimes your enemies or people you just don’t like do have a point. Separate yourself from the system and stop being offended for it.

    You aren’t an ideology. You’re more complex and more flexible than that. Just like other people. Sometimes we all forget that though. You started out attacking the messenger. Not the message. Yeah I think lemmygrad is a toxic place, and wouldn’t associate with it. But, that had no real bearing on what the person said.

  • Yes they will say that they are trying to preserve our social norms. So power. Or our tradition. So power. Or our culture. So power. There is nothing that they can give as an example that does not equate to their power or control over others.

    To which I have only one thing to say. Let other people live their lives as they see fit. And we will stop gay marrying all of you. Which is a shame because Todd was really looking forward to it. We know he’d take good care of you. But if you’re willing to let us make our own decisions. We will let you.

  • It’s only American exceptionalism if it’s put in terms of americans. As I specifically stated I think any country can do this. There’s nothing special about Taiwan in this instance other than it already exists there. It used to exist in the US and Russia as well. It will again. Taiwan thinking it can, or that it’s good to maintain a monopoly. Is silly.

    And again if Taiwan thinks that that’s going to save them. Which is a foolish thing to think. (China only wants them literally because they currently have a near Monopoly on manufacture. Diluting that Monopoly would actually make them safer) They’re going to be sorely disappointed. If China moved tonight. Not a single military unit would be dispatched to attack internationally. The US wastes the most money of any country on military and military equipment. But they aren’t going to deploy. China is threatening everyone around them with impunity. And the US/EU can’t threaten much more than hollow product boycotts. Because they’ve all handed over their nuts on a platter to exploit near slave labor in Xi’s authoritarian wonderland.

    The best way to neuter Xi is for everyone to take back as much of China’s manufacturing as possible. And not concentrate it in the hands of an authoritarian dictator for a few bucks extra.

  • It’s not a choice though. It is an inevitability. The United States foolishly pushed everything off over there. Only now realizing how bad a mistake that was. And how silly it is for nearly all of that sort of product to originate in that region for no real reason. It would have always made sense for those products to be produced closer to the market that they are to be sold in if at all possible. And it has always been possible. There will be factories and Chip Manufacturing in the United States again soon. And yes it’s TSMC’s Choice ultimately whether or not they will be part of it. But it is happening.

    To be clear I have a very low opinion of capitalists. And I 100% think that the heads of TSMC will act like short-sighted petulant children and probably screw themselves over in the long term.

    And I don’t know where the hell the American exceptionalism BS came from. It has nothing to do with that. Any humans, basically anywhere in the world can potentially learn and be trained to do this. The biggest roadblock is the affordability of the equipment to do so currently. But every major country/region should be pushing right now to build their own ability to produce. Canada United States Brazil, the EU, Russia even, Australia, New Zealand. Especially looking into designing and building their own riskv technologies. It will happen eventually. But how bad capitalists respond to all this will determine ultimately how long they will be relevant.

  • but what are they supposed to do with the values they hold that don’t align with liberalism?

    Grow as a person. Something we should all strive to do. There are plenty of places I diverged from all the hard right liberals. Mostly around the capitalism fetish. But I can support them at least because of their more pro social democracy stance. But I can articulate and explain the logic why when asked. As a socialist I also diverge heavily from anti social democracy socialists. And again, can general explain and point out the reasons why. Things most of my fellow Americans have little understanding of or desire too. But none of us are perfect, nor will we ever be. But that isn’t a reason to stop growing.

  • A Federated decentralized review platform would have the same issues all current platforms have. The problem is you are asking for authority. From platforms that in general don’t require it. It used to be there were a few out there and that you could trust to try to be neutral and nuanced. But so many people in the face of just having money thrown at them find their ethics disposable. And one by one all of them largely fell. If there were an algorithmic or heuristic way to sort the week from the chaff Google Microsoft or someone else would have already done it. They haven’t. The only way to really do it would be to curate the reviews. Which would be a lot of work on the part of a lot of people who must already have trust.

    But if you manage to crack this problem you will have sold once the biggest issues on the internet.

  • It’s absolutely true that they are not identical. Although they are far too similar. Only really differentiating on the subject of social democracy. Where the Democrats at least pay lip service to it. Which is a big plus for the Democrats. Whereas Republicans openly show disdain for it.

    Other than that they are both far right wing economic parties. Who have both actively attacked labor. Although in the Democrats defense they are often just eager to go along with what Republicans are doing. And don’t actually take the initiative on their own.

    If it wasn’t for the Democrats loose Pro social democracy stands I wouldn’t vote for them there’s very little you can point to and recent history that they have accomplished that’s been truly good. Outside of civil rights same-sex marriage Etc. They seriously need to stop waiting the better part of a century before fighting for things to people need.