DroneRights [it/its]

  • 22 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 25th, 2023


  • Actually, Columbus was 100% certain the earth was round. What he believed is that the earth was significantly smaller than the mathematicians said, and that he’d be able to sail straight to India from Portugal. He was greedy and wanted to establish new trade routes. Most of the governments of Europe said "No, you fucking idiot, the earth is as big as the mathematicians say it is, and you’re going to starve to death on your way to India. They would have been right had he not bumped into America by accident. Anyway, that’s why native Americans are Indians and why there’s such a thing as the west indes.

  • If magic exists to eliminate all disabilities, then there should be no smart, rich people with disabilities in your world

    I disagree. I know plenty of smart people with disabilities who wouldn’t take a cure if it was possible. Most of them are autistic. Autism is a disability in a world that doesn’t accommodate it, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s a disability politically, not intrinsically. And deafness is pretty undeniably a disability, but I’ve read about deaf people not wanting to join in on hearing society because they think the deaf community is better.

    This might sound hard for you to understand if you’re fully abled, so I’ll put it in terms you can understand. Imagine if tomorrow scientists invented a cheap, painless procedure to install a third arm in your chest. Everyone’s getting them because they’re so useful, and clothing stores are quickly switching to shirts with three arm holes. It’s getting hard to find shirts with only two arm holes, in fact. Even if everyone you knew said they preferred having three arms, would you get one?

  • DroneRights [it/its]@lemm.eetoPalestine*Permanently Deleted*
    7 months ago

    You only have to worry about dick cheese if you’re being absolutely disgusting. It takes five seconds to clean an intact dick in the shower, and you only have to do it once a month and before sex. Once a week if you really care about it. And the benefit of having a foreskin is it’s nature’s lube, and it preserves your sensitivity so you don’t get desentisised by your pants.

    But all the logistical and sexual issues aside, the basic truth is simple: there is NEVER a good reason to perform cosmetic surgery on an infant. If you want a circumcised dick, then get the surgery at an age where you can consent to it. You don’t get to make that choice for someone else, not even your own kids.