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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • DragonAce@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlYupp
    5 months ago

    Which is why most cop shows function as authoritarian propaganda.

    Exactly!! I mean why else do you think Law & Order:SVU has been on the air for like fucking 30 seasons? Its not because of Ice-T’s incredible acting ability, thats for sure…

  • My view as a sys admin is I’m not going to risk the security of my mobile device just so they can scour my personal information and collect marketing data on me and send it god knows where and claim its to “make ordering easier”. I just want to order my fucking food, not have my fucking identity stolen because I wanted a cheeseburger.

  • I’m a young Gen Xer and IIRC it was clear to half the country that the whole WMD story was bullshit, but for a lot of people that bit of clarity came in hindsight after the initial invasion.

    I used to joke that Dubya used 9/11 as an excuse to “finish Daddy’s work”, given that even after the Gulf War Hussein continued to reign for 10 more years. But when Halliberton suddenly started getting all these contract jobs securing oil wells, it was pretty obvious what was going on at that point.

    Its strange because I remember there was initial talks about going to Afghanistan to search for Bin Laden, but then suddenly the discussion shifted to the whole bullshit WMD story. IIRC the assigned UN commission that was supposed to do their annual inspections for nuclear and chemical weapons, found nothing during their visit to Iraq just a few months prior, but those chucklefucks in the WH kept pushing the narrative anyway. The Whitehouse did such a half assed job of getting their stories straight, I was sure someone was going to fuck up at some point, but the media kept pushing the assigned narrative and the public bought it.