Cyrus Draegur

Atomic energy enthusiast. Architecture enjoyer. Mecha appreciator. Sci-Fi reader. Friendly neighborhood shameless degenerate. Winged caniform synthetic biped techno-lich. Mostly Harmless™. Poly-Panro-Demi It/They/He

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • First of all, not only did Russia launch a rocket at the moon, but it furthermore hit the moon too (at extremely high velocity lol).

    Second of all, it is very literally much more difficult to even get a projectile onto a course that will merely intersect the moon at all than it is to hit any point on the surface of the earth, just in terms of raw mathematics, physics, and engineering.

    Russia very much IS capable, with utmost certainty, of striking anywhere on the face of the earth, anytime they choose to do so.

    The only reason they have not struck is because they have not chosen to.

    (The reasoning behind the current state of that choice, however, is beyond the scope of this discussion.)

  • Cyrus Draegur@lemm.eetoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhat's going on with hexbears
    10 months ago

    I jump to the defense of hexbear because, well … I like them.

    They’re spicy.

    I’ve seen some truly heinous, ignorant, repugnant shit on here but it’s never actually been from hexbear users.

    (it’s been from lemmygrad users)

    hexbear users have been outspoken and unapologetically staunch in defending their positions, but never outright bloodthirsty or antagonistic.

    or at least, maybe my sarcasm detection is being more generous than it’s supposed to be, and registering false positives…? because to my view I’ve seen hexbears JOKE about some dark shit, but it never came across as unironically hostile to me.

    but anyway, my opinion alone won’t sway the outcome. if the consensus forms firmly against hexbear, i’ll just have to roll with that outcome. But i’d miss 'em, I would.

  • lol he fuckin died

    He was the ONE person I though would give my best friend a hard time there (because she’s trans) and he kicked the bucket a WEEK before she started. I don’t believe in signs but if I did that would’ve been one.

    All his decades of drinking, snorting coke, dropping acid, and shooting up while simultaneously trying to get others fired through framing them for substance abuse caught up to him terminally. Triple whammy of throat, stomach, and intestinal cancer. It’s not Karma, but holy fucking shit does it FEEL like Karma.


  • this is a tremendous opportunity, let me explain:

    The GOP has a debilitating projection problem.

    Literally everything they ever accuse anyone else of doing, the only reason the concepts were in their head in the first place is because they’ve been doing it all along and the reason they’ve been doing it all along is because they’ve convinced themselves that everyone has been doing it, as a form of justification.

    Whatever this vapid dipshit accuses Biden of, anyone with two brain cells to spare will find loads of GOP morons to charge for it with a truly trivial quantity of investigation.

    the problem is the fucking democrats are cowards and won’t rip the rug out from under the GOP because they NEED the GOP to play “bad cop” to their “good cop” (and as we all know, all cops are bastards including the figurative kind) or else their whole grift collapses around them and they can no longer get away with doing whatever the fuck they want “or else we’ll just let the GOP ruin your life”.

    Maybe we should take justice into their own hands and expose them ourselves.

  • Cyrus Draegur@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldEssence transfer ftw
    10 months ago

    Psh, amateur; my soul isn’t INSIDE THIS!

    THIS THING is just one of my terminals!

    My actual location is in a phylactery safely suspended in a void equidistantly between the event horizons of a matrix comprising several intersecting null-time stasis fields locked in a cold-iron box encased in six meters of lead on all sides in the center of a sonar-refracting non-euclidean polyhedron of cement nestled snugly in the bedrock of an undisclosed location somewhere in this plane that MAY not actually still be within the celestial body upon whose surface we presently stand.

    This proxy is mostly running on autopilot while most of my attention is focused on my favorite terminal-body reading a charming little novella while enjoying a warm beverage at a quaint cafe within a secondary urban center that isn’t even on the same continent right now. I’m not just living my best life; I’m living my best SEVERAL lives, thank you very much, ADVENTURER :p

  • for most people it does. For me, while they may exist outside of my awareness, I am nevertheless unaware of them. What health issues I had been experiencing came about as a result of other major life circumstances, and i’ve seen some pivotal improvements since some of those circumstances have been amended.

    I always was a natural night-owl. I’m always more alert at night, and get eepy sweepy after the sun comes up, so it suits my proclivities perfectly.

    I’ve been at it for five years already, so, if it’s a chronic issue, guess I’ll find out after another 20 years of it!

  • Straight answer up front: sometimes my entire ten hour shift has less than 10 minutes of work in it.

    I must confess, my job is a bit of an edge case because not everybody wants to do it.

    I work third shift, and usually exclusively the weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday nights, 11pm to 9am).

    4 ten-hour shifts.

    and during these shifts… bruh most of the time I’m chilling

    I’m reading ebooks, I’m watching anime or youtube, I’m chatting with friends on discord

    most of my job is having a pulse while babysitting an empty building.

    the part of my job that makes the money, though, is when the phone rings.

    I work at a towing company, and I dispatch.
    When people are calling me, it’s almost exclusively because shit’s fucked up.
    I am in charge of sending some unfuckery their way.

    Most of the calls are from companies though: Motor freight lines like Ryder, Penske, Fleetnet, UPS, FedEx, and a few other carriers that are even less customer-facing; motor clubs like Swoop,, AAA, NationSafe; or insurance companies like Allstate or GEICO.

    What they want to hear is how soon and how much and knowing how to rapidly generate this information while remaining accurate is where most of the expertise lies.

    Then there’s the police calls.
    When there has been an accident and a disabled vehicle (and its pieces) must be removed from obstructing the roadway, that’s us.
    When some dumb bastard drives drunk and subsequently gets rightly caught, we impound their shit.
    When a stolen vehicle is found, we recover it.

    Whilst my opinion regarding cops (pigs) has evolved (fuck the police) quite a bit (they’re fucking bastards) in recent years (every last one of them), my guys do the NOT Standing On Someone’s Neck bits of it AFTER the dust has settled and the blood is done being spilled (and the bullets have stopped flying…) so generally we’re one of the responders on the make-someone’s-life-LESS-horrible side of the curve. Which feels pretty nice.

    There are the rare occasions where a major shitshow evolves and I’m triaging calls and coordinating multiple assets in the field though, and that’s when the pay really feels worth it.

    Presently I’m 5 years in and making 20/hr

    Literally at this very second, it’s a wednesday night/thursday morning and I’ve already DONE my 40 hours this week - I’m here on overtime covering the other third shift dispatcher while they’re out, and each of these hours is worth $$$THIRTY BUCKS HELL YEAAAA$$$

    it’s not enough to afford rent nowadays of course, but eh, i inherited the house from my father…
    (and want to transform it into a group home for low income persons and families if I can get it organized right)
    (i’ll be taking a page from history and trying to turn my house into something like a multigenerational compound except for people who aren’t strictly related by blood)

  • i’ve come to celebrate the winter solstice not because of ‘christmas’ or anything but because it’s an observance of an objectively empirical astronomical phenomenon. Recognizing the solstices and equinoxes were pivotal, fundamental, essential discoveries that humanity needed in order to properly leverage agriculture, and everything about civilization stems (no pun intended) from there.