I just had to report something to the police that will probably end a very close friendship of mine, but it was something that was totally not okay and I had to do it. But I still feel like a piece of shit for it. Have you ever felt like this and how did you get through it?

  • soulifix@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I felt like I caused a bad chain reaction in my IRL family. My sister was in a heated family court case against her ex-spouse and the custody battles for her son aka my nephew. I worked and voiced against her in the whole case which cast a black cloud of judgment over me by everyone else. She was just, doing every possible thing wrong in the whole case. Blaming her ex-spouse’s daughter in baseless claims, fruitlessly attacking her ex-spouse for unrelated incidents. She was just not painting a good picture of a mother who cared about her children, it was just “I was in what I felt was a bad marriage and I want to make my ex husband pay!” rhetoric.

    In the end, she lost. She not only lost custody of her son, but got to serve 10 days in jail as an example set by the judge of the court room. Similar circumstances almost repeated themselves years later when she stupidly had sex with former ex-spouse to try and win custody and alimony for their daughter aka my niece. She lost that case too and I stood my own ground.

    I felt bad all around for the entirety of both cases. It didn’t need to happen. It shouldn’t have happened. If only she wasn’t a dumbfuck with the outdated, feminist mindset of “MAN BAD!” which is ultimately what costed her both cases. So now, niece and nephew are just out there enduring the trials of being motherless and who knows what their futures will be when the day comes that they will reflect on this.