Young Americans are piling the blame for their student debt balances on conservatives, according to a poll by Generation Lab provided exclusively to Axios.

    1 year ago

    Lets have some honest discourse here, bring up the full record of people that are alive its the only honest thing to do.

    Alright then. It’s unfair to hold someone’s vote from considerably earlier against them, when they have voted/signed to the contrary of that and are actively espousing the opposite of their vote. I think it’s dishonest to act otherwise.

    You run into issues otherwise where you don’t have the context of the times that they voted during. Student debt is relatively recent problem, ~90s, that has really accelerated the last decade or two. Voting against relief when it was more affordable is a reasonable position. You’ve also got the crime bill, which was passed in a time where crime was a significant concern for voters, and black communities majority favored the bill.

    Maybe the best example, gay rights. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was once liberal policy. LGBT people could work in the military and they wouldn’t be asked about sexuality. Now, we would consider that incredibly homophobic. California even passed a “Defense of Marriage Act” in I think 2007, and has very much so been pro LGBT rights for quite a while since.

      1 year ago

      (not so) fun fact! That California law was a constitutional amendment and is still on the books. It’s only unenforceable due to a supreme court ruling. You can see where that’s going.

      Fortunately it’s looking like Californian’s will get to vote to repeal that amendment next year.