Rep. Pramila Jayapal, the head of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, on Saturday condemned Israel as a racist state, warning activists that there is an organized opposition against progressive critics of Israel’s policy towards the Palestinians.

The sharp criticism from the lawmaker from Washington state marks among the highest-level condemnations of Israel, as several members of her caucus plan to boycott Israel President Isaac Herzog’s address to a joint session of Congress later this week.

Speaking on a panel at Netroots Nation, an annual progressive activist conference in Chicago, Jayapal was addressing pro-Palestinian attendees interrupting the session.

    1 year ago

    Well you should at least learn the meanings of those words, because they aren’t those. They did not go to work for rail companies to undermine the strike.

    I get you want to be idiologically pure and everything. Personally, I want whatever is best for the workers. I know from the outside I was mad about it, but I can’t say it definitely was not what was best for the workers. They were not going to be allowed to strike for long, if at all. The fact they are getting some of the things they asked for in the demands is enough to show that it wasn’t just caving the the rail companies.

    Being angry is a lot easier than being realistic.

    (Go protest. That’s great. But elected officials don’t have the liberty to be idealistically pure.)

    • Black AOC
      1 year ago

      But elected officials don’t have the liberty to be idealistically pure

      Then maybe your system is shit, deserves to cave in, and you shouldn’t be surprised when distrust and contempt are fostered by anyone who upholds it. If I can only trust a politician to run their mouth in public and then act total opposite, what am I supporting them for? What am I propping them up for? What am I upholding that isn’t my own people getting fucked by the moneyed?

        1 year ago

        They can’t be idealistically pure because they should be doing what’s best. What don’t you get about this? Ideals are good as a measuring stick, but they aren’t useful if they can’t be adjusted when doing something good is possible.

        Let’s take the trolly problem as a hypothetical. The trolly is going down a track that will kill 100 people, but I can negotiate with the trolly company to take another track that will kill none instead. Should I negotiate even though it means doing business with an entity I don’t ideologically agree with? Any reasonable person will say yes. You’re saving 100 people for a minor idealistic failing.

        The end goal should be to help the workers, which probably in the end means limiting the influence of (or destroying) the rail companies. That’s not going to happen today though, so in the meantime out elected officials should do what’s best within their abilities. Protestors should do what’s best in their abilities. Go fuck up the rail company’s day.

        Sitting around and saying the politicians who are pretty much as close to your ideals as possible, whole still being electable, are bad is useless. Keep them elected to do their work there, then you do your work where you can. If your ideals aren’t based on outcomes, what good are they?

        I would love Santa Clause to be real, but me being idealistic about it won’t make it happen. I need to adjust to having the best outcome possible, and maybe accept that helping people have a good holiday season through other means is a realistic option.