For most people, “socialism” is an unclear or even scary word. This hinders the willingness to engage with its ideas or even consider it a viable alternative to whatever we are running on now.

So, (Sunday hot take!): why not stop using the word when advocating for “socialist ideas” or the “abandonment of capitalism” etc.?

My suggestion for a new term is Capitalism 2.0; because consider the following thought process:

feudalism –› capitalism –› socialism = nooo, they gonna steal my toothbrush😭

feudalism –› capitalism –› capitalism 2.0. = omg, finally things will get better! 🥳

That framing could alleviate negative associations and misconceptions and as a result make all kinds of people more open to exploring and questioning the principles and structures that are hindering global progress.

  • yewler
    1 year ago

    I think when first talking to someone new about these ideas it’s good to use somewhat sanitized language, just so that they’re willing to engage and think about things for themselves, without having to worry about the anti-communist propaganda they’ve been subjected to.

    However, past this very beginning stage, I see no reason to conceal. In fact, I think it’s actively harmful. A socialist movement filled with followers with no access to writers of previous socialist thinkers, no analysis of real class antagonisms, and no understanding of the necessary solution (revolution), doesn’t sound like a very effective movement.