• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
    1 year ago

    I fail to understand why you think China lifting people out of poverty and infrastructure work has anything to do with what Taiwan needs right now. But okay, I’ll bite. REALITY CHECK TIME.

    China lifting people out of poverty has to do with demonstrating that Chinese government does in fact work in the interest of the majority, which is the actual definition of democracy.

    Yet they are now facing a large wave of youth unemployment at 20.8% and is looking to get even worse. People are also not allowed to talk about poverty online, as a recent video on Chinese social media showing what 100RMB, the monthly pension and the only income one elderly has, could buy was taken down.

    These tropes are as old as time, and yet what we see in practice is that poverty is being consistently eliminated and the quality of life continues to improve for the majority of the people.

    Your linked article writes about privileged kids being able to study abroad but chose to go back to China due to cultural differences, work, family, or racism in America, has nothing to do with Chinese risking their lives to cross Mexico on foot to flee to America for a better life. In fact, the number of Chinese seeking asylum has shot up since Xi took power. Also, this. The fact is the wealthy elites are also choosing to migrate to other countries despite opportunities at home. “反美是工作,赴美是生活”, meaning “It’s a job to oppose the US, but it’s life to go to the US”, is a criticism quote which is from a Chinese US-opposer who eventually also bought property in the US, that pretty much every Chinese and their dog jokes about now.

    I do have to give you props for cherry picking here. Pretending that there is some kind of flood of poor people who somehow get to Mexico and then cross over to US is really a new angle.

    Sure. That’s probably the thing that a communist dictatorship country can do best, I’ll give them that. But again, what the fuck does that have anything to do with Taiwan and what it needs now? Last I heard, Taiwan is not a developing country, China is. Or at least that’s what they demand they should be classified as while touting their record low of poverty rates.

    Last I heard Taiwan isn’t a country as far as UN is concerned, but a renegade province of China. And claiming that Taiwan is developed is pretty funny. Taiwan doesn’t even have any energy production of its own https://archive.is/0WnEV 😂

    In China, the land is owned by the government. Your home ownership is perpetual. However, the ownership of the land that your home sits on is leased by the government.

    While you’re clearly trying to make this out as some nefarious thing, this is actually a very good thing as it prevent land being hoarded by rich parasites the way it is in the west.