• Machinist@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I wish more people on the left realized this. It’s been my experience that a lot of the left are insulated from just how big a threat the Nat-C’s really are. Most people lack the historical knowledge to see just how spooky the similarities between the rise of Nazi Germany and events in the US over the last few years. The Beer Hall Putsch and the response to it are frighteningly similar to January 6th.

    Due to the rural/urban divide, even in red states, most of the left aren’t seeing or hearing how far off the deep end a big chunk of this country has gone. I’m a redneck, have a heavy southern accent, beard, truck and most of the other stereotypes. People just assume I’m conservative.

    The shit strangers just say to me is unreal. “Putting the n*****s back in their place, only good democrat is a dead democrat, the Storm is coming and then they’ll see.”

    The racism has gotten worse, or at least way more open, people didn’t used to be so openly racist even when they thought they were only talking to likeminded individuals. I almost never heard anti-Semitism until a few years ago, there are so few Jews in the south it just wasn’t much of a thing. Baptists tended to support Israel. Now they’re getting talking points from whatever Q-hole they’re feeding from and talk about Jewish conspiracies. I can only think of a couple of times I heard Jew-bashing. One was an actual Klan member and the other moved to the south as a teenager.

    There’s always been anti-black racism, it’s the south, but BLM ripped the lid off. Claims that black men were punching white women in Wall-Mart in town and that the cops weren’t stopping it. Crazy shit.

    And then there’s the queer community. If you have a queer kid, and you’re smart, you get that kid into an online school. The hatred is truly vicious and supported by the State.

    We’re getting the fuck out in the summer of '24 and moving up to Yankee land. Figure it will be a lot safer there.