• hark@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    The democrat strat is to not be nazis i.e. the lowest of the low bars to clear. What a great system we have where our only two choices are nazis or this decrepit, out-of-touch, and barely-coherent fuck. Maybe he can challenge everyone to push-ups to win their hearts over like in 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbEJpr4A9mQ

    Love the “you’re too old to vote for me” in a room filled with old people, as if young people were tripping over themselves to vote for him, but hey, he got their vote because of his amazing ability to run against a literal nazi. It shouldn’t be understated how hard the media carried this clown during the primaries.

    Let’s also not forget how Biden feels about young people: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23kFNbh8d3w

    Democrats are banking on republicans continuing being an even bigger dumpster fire, but if the republican party can nominate someone with competent PR, it’s over. Tulsi Gabbard is an opportunistic hack, but if she was the republican nomination, she’d tick so many boxes, including ones that democrats emphasized (being a young woman who is a person of color… well, these were boxes that democrats emphasized before they decided Biden was their best hope) and on top of that she’s a veteran. Even though I’d vote against her because she’d still be a republican, I have a strong feeling that she’d win the election if running against Biden in 2024.