To quickly explain, one of the empires I was bordering (a fanatic spiritualist imperial state) decided to get aggressive towards me after I integrated my two protectorate states. I, in my infinite machine wisdom, decided I wasn’t going to take shit from some space cultists and declared war. I didn’t check to see if they had alliances or defence pacts. And as it turned out, the entire galaxy turned on opinion (forming federations and defence pacts with each other, coming to aid of the space cultists), so in a panic I did a quick create_navy 10. hence the shitty resources.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer OPA
    25 years ago

    I was trying to be friends with my fellow mechanical kin in the Grid. But apparently they didn’t view organics with the same vigour. (for clarity, I’m roleplaying for the fun of it, genocide is bad y’all)