• Dreadful WraithOP
    4 years ago

    Post-black metal is almost exclusive like trendy hipsters in France and the US making it, haha. I don’t know if there’s a single nazi making it, they usually hate it and say how much better traditional black metal is.

    As far as metal in general, Malmrose Project has a video on (heavy) metal, though it’s mostly on gender stuff. I think it touches lightly on other issues in it.


    It’s not as bad as people think. Metal’s a global phenomenon and has a lot of different elements to it. I’d say the bigger problem with it are the “apolitical” know-nothings who are basically so scared of labelling bands as nazi or reactionary that they almost defend them like you see these “moderates” do generally in politics, but every hobby and art has those (video games being probably the worst).

    Metal-archives.com has 719 results for bands with “National Socialism” lyrical themes while it has 37,543 results for bands tagged as the “Black Metal” music genre. Although I’ve found more reactionary thought in stuff labelled as “Pagan Black Metal” which is another 691 results. I’d say it’s worse from reactionary countries like Ukraine, Poland, etc. not so much in like North America, western-Europe, Africa, Asia, etc. And obviously there are more reactionary bands than the ones that label themselves NSBM, but it’s likely the minority.

    • Makan ☭ CPUSA
      4 years ago

      That’s a fair point.

      And to compound what you’re saying, I’ve seen metal bands from China and they never have anything reactionary in them.