Republican presidential candidate and former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie ® said Thursday that he believes former President Trump kept classified documents after leaving the White House because “he wants to pretend he’s still president.” “I think it was purely ego,” Christie told CNN’s Jake Tapper. “I think, Jake, he could not and still cannot…

      1 year ago

      Yeah, it’s a bit like Godzilla. You don’t want him stomping around your downtown area but it’s still good to watch him fuck up Mothra

      1 year ago

      I am sick and tired of seeing other Republicans being the ones willing to roast Trump the most.

      This is like The Lincoln Project all over again. They produced those vicious attack ads against Trump in the previous election. The problem with them is simply the fact that TLP is a right-wing political group.

      Why aren’t liberal and moderate groups willing to go on the offensive and attack Trump and the rest of the GOP? The Left in this country is spineless. They should be attacking Trump non-stop, but also attacking all these other Republicans. Guys like Christie are positioning themselves as less-abrasive alternatives to Trump even though deep down, they are still pieces of shit like all Republicans. They still believe in the same awful policies that have led this country to the terrible position it is in now. But with all that, Democrats are not able or willing to go on the offensive and attack these clowns. We have to rely on right-wing groups like TLP or in this case Christie to attack Trump. These people are honing their skills in attacking Trump but at some point they will turn their attacks toward Biden and other Democrats. I am so sick and tired in seeing Democrats being cowards.

        1 year ago

        The logic goes during the primary and even during the general election, Dems attacking Trump drives more supporters to him. Having it come from inside the party diffuses the tribalism. Once the general campaign starts, I agree, Dems should sling mud, because mud slinging works.

          1 year ago

          They shouldn’t be attacking ONLY Trump. This is an endless problem with Democrats. They are never willing to go on the offensive against ALL Republicans. This is why even after some horribly unpopular Republican presidents, come the next election, the GOP is just as electable as they were before. It’s because Democrats don’t tie these awful right-wing policies and endless corruption as being endemic of all Republicans.

          The flip side is that Republicans never miss an opportunity to demonized Democrats. They never miss a chance to rile people up against all Democrats.

            1 year ago

            You may hate republican politicians (as I do), but you have to admit they’ve been extremely successful at coordinating attacks against a single thing at a time. It’s all in on hate against one thing, then the next. They’re very good at mobilizing their followers’ anger and keeping it focused on exactly what they want it focused on.

            Meanwhile, there are like a hundred things that democrats want to get done and prioritizing any of it has proven really difficult. Diverse social policy is so much harder to advocate for across a large group than hate against a singular target.

              1 year ago

              Oh absolutely. Republicans are worthless pieces of human garbage, BUT they are both well coordinated and know exactly how to speak to their base to get them riled up. This is how they get results.

              Democrats are like wrangling cats. Democrats are more willing to attack their own than to attack the common enemy (i.e. the GOP). Republicans are focused on a few key issues and they are willing to take years and years to finally get their way (look at RoevWade). Democrats are all over the goddamn place, have zero focus and unless their candidate can get them the results they want in a few weeks into their term in office, they quickly lose interest.

              Also Dems are god awful at communicating with voters. They have no clue about messaging - the economy is shockingly strong, wages have had their largest gains in decades, interest rates are still at historic lows, the unemployment rate is at unfathomably low levels, and lots of manufacturing is coming back to the US, and yet even with all that Dems are constantly moping about the economy and not selling the successes of this administration. Contrast that with when George W Bush had that “Mission Accomplished” banner made just a few months into the Iraq war - a war that lasted years and years after W’s speech.

              I have nothing good to say about Republican policies, and yet their tactics are usually brilliant. On the flip side, I agree with most Democratic policies, and yet their tactics are utterly clueless as well as spineless. It is infuriating to watch.

        1 year ago

        No idea what you’re going on about there, because I’ve seen many Democrats / liberals shitting on trump constantly for years now. It has been prevalent enough to generate the “Orange Man Bad” meme-reactions from trumptards who didn’t want to comprehend the factual criticisms.

          1 year ago

          Yeah, like who?? We’re not talking about random Joe Citizen tweeting some joke about Trump’s skin color. If you think memes by some 16 year old online is the same thing as a governor of a major industrial state, then boy oh boy are we not on the same page.

          What elected Democrat routinely goes on the offensive? Thank jebus for AOC and Sanders (who isn’t even technically a Democrat) as the very few voices of elected Democratic officials who have the balls to go out there and attack Republicans. Newsom is a fairly new, and very welcome, addition to elected officials from the Left who are willing to go on the offensive, and there are a few others, but they are a very small group.

            1 year ago

            Newsom is a fairly new, and very welcome, addition to elected officials from the Left

            Dems aren’t leftists. They are centrists. Bernie is a leftist. AOC sometimes seems like a leftist. Newsome (my governor) is not a leftist, even if I think he’s not terrible.

              1 year ago

              OK great, so be sure to complain about these people because they are ever so slightly too liberal or every so slightly less liberal than what you want, and completely disregard the Red Menace. Fantastic. This is the endless bickering that happens on the Left that is just to utterly exhausting and results in nothing ever getting accomplished. Don’t look at the fucken fascists that are trying to take over and instead complain because Democrats are a little too centrists.

      1 year ago

      I completely agree. However, the reality is, the people that should be listening to Christie right now, are very clearly and deliberately not listening to him.

      According the conservative talk radio I overheard the other day, Christie was being lambasted for being a “fat, butterball, beached whale” and was being lumped in with all the RINO’s, Never-Trumpers, Democrats, Liberals and whoever else has now sworn absolute fealty to Trump and thus to be shamed, attacked and most of all ignored.

      It was interesting that Christie was being attacked for his weight, but I guess some sort of moral consistency is not really all the important.

      just want to add, that every single conservative I know personally has been shitting on Christie and saying they have always despised him.