If you had the power to implement any social/economical order in the US today, what would that order be and how would you implement it (step by step) - elaborate (characters of peoople in charge of important roles in society, political order, flag change, national goals, foreign policy, etc.). It can be a mash of political/social orders, doesn’t have to be a particular one, you can call it whatever you like. The same goes for the rest of the social roles and political order, doesn’t have to be written in books, it can be a mash of whatever you think is right for the particular scenario.

  • albigu
    1 year ago

    I’d just reduce the legal workday limit to 6 or possibly 4 hours but make paid overtime bureaucratically accessible to small companies that still require their workers at 8. I think a lot more people would have a time to get educated about their own material conditions if they actually had the time to read about it. Not foolproof as that is susceptible to gig economy fucking it up but that’s a start I guess.

    Another idea would be to just break up all the media conglomerates within the united states as all these branches of Paramount or WBD just talking to each other on full broadcast like they’re different people is really harmful to how Unitedstadians see the world. Add in book publishers too as they’ve also been doing some nasty work of getting the rights to old historical books in foreign languages and horribly mistranslating it, and their whole business model is that of book landlords.

    But honestly I think the USA as a state just needs to go at this point.

    • 0x4E4FOP
      1 year ago

      As in not exist any more as a federation? The states should exist, just not within a federation?

      • albigu
        1 year ago

        They really really need a Congress of the Soviets or National Convention moment to work out all the contradictions of their societies unconstrained by their current systems and protocols. It really is up to them and I wouldn’t hold my breath for anything of value coming out of there, but there’s only so much you can do within the bounds of a glacial congress and senate working with a constitution written by people who didn’t think killing slave owners or genocidal latifundiarios was a moral obligation.

        But I didn’t consider in the other suggestion that it could also be for the betterment of societies that actually have any hope of becoming better, so I’d also change their entire foreign policy into “mind your own business gringo” and abolish the OAS, and that’d immediately make the lives throughout the American continent much better.