I propose that we do a poll to see what idiology current marxist come from. Doing so would allow us to form a somewhat empirical analysis of what idiology are the most likely to convert to marxism, witch would be usefull to know if we want to convert as much peoples as possible. Feel free to express your oppinion and propose other things you think we might want to know about non-marxist to marxist convertion and why.

  • Comrade Boina
    1 year ago

    In my experience the overwhelming majority of serious marxists (and by that I mean ML who are party members) who actually are organized on the ground come in 2 categories: 1) red baby diapers 2) people who were broadly lefty and had experience with several ultra-left tendencies one after the other. typically: radlib anarchism > militant anarchism > maoism > seeing how all that is nonsensical and embracing scientific socialism (ie: ML), getting there usually in their mid-twenties, especially so after they leave academia (if they were there to begin with) and start being a wage-labourer, that last one being a key determinant.

    edit: that is from a north american perspective, a Quebec one particularly. That being said I don’t fucking trust ex-soc-dems deciding to turn ML overnight, and I don’t trust teens to know their shit until several years in the struggle (that’s why there are orgs like the young communist league, those are important and necessary).

    As to online people, well sorry but I don’t take them very seriously to begin with unless they are in an org.