This whole system is purely designed to keep a few people in power and it is fucking insane. We wouldn’t even have the internet if a governmental institution hadn’t created it, because the free market deemed it unprofitable. How can we as a society achieve progress like that?

I am constantly surrounded by people that defend free market capitalism without questioning it nor having independent thoughts about it, even though they are not stupid. I feel constantly alienated because I have to discuss the most ridiculous thing with me peers when I try to show them the massive amount contradictions of this system, and they just reply that it does not work. Without having a single grasp of how politics work. I don’t mean to say that the general population is stupid, but it feels like they are constantly influenced by pro-capitalist information sources. I don’t know, I regularly question my beliefs and apply constructive criticism to my thoughts, but I always come to the same conclusion. Am I getting insane, or am I just to alienated?

  • Better Red Than DeadOP
    1 year ago

    I felt the exact same way. The thing is, I sometimes question if scientific socialism really provides the correct (right) answers for the questions as to why things are how they are. I am a socialist because I think Marx, Engels and all the people after them were really good in analyzing the underlying conditions, contradictions in capitalism and solutions for those problems, but I also remain skeptical to the way they want to solve things. I don’t think there is an universal way how to make way for change, as any situation requires different methods. All roads lead to Rome one way or another, we just have to stay on the road and don’t turn back. But then again, isn’t this basically the essence of dialectical and historical materialism? Anti-Dogmatism and Self-Criticism? I saw many self proclaimed communists that think Mao’s way is the only right way and any change to it would be reactionary, but Mao himself basically wrote / said that this type of behaviour is not counter-productive, so I don’t understand where these people are coming from.