So, as another Reddit refugee, I was wondering if there’s also a way to view the posts I’ve voted on here?

On Reddit I liked to use that to quickly find posts I wanted to check back on, while “saved” was only for really exceptional content.

  • Dessalines
    101 year ago

    We have an issue for it here, closed currently because no one wanted to work on it.

    But ya I agree with , the saved / favoriting of posts / comments could be used for anything you want to come back to.

      41 year ago

      Is there a limit on the amount of posts or comments one can save? i believe reddit had a limit of 600 and after that they overwrote the oldest one.

    51 year ago

    That would be pretty nice. I wonder if votes are stored purely as numbers or if there’s a table mapping users to posts they’ve up/down voted

    • @nutomic@lemmy.mlM
      61 year ago

      There is, otherwise you could vote on the same post multiple times. But I dont think its exposed in the API/frontend.

  • @CannotSleep420
    21 year ago

    Lemmy has a feature for favoriting posts and comments that might make that redundant.