As of this moment, Chosonclip and ChosonSocial are currently down. Due to inconsistent billing practices of the current hosting provider of Chosonclip, the VPS running Chosonclip/ChosonSocial was shut down in early May and thus due to architectural flaws the services went down. Access to the user database has been regained and the current contract with the Polish provider will be discontinued in favor of 1984 Hosting of Iceland.

The outage has not caused the loss of any existing video or user data. The user database will be migrated to the new server and the video data will remain within the servers of my storage provider (Wasabi).

As the recovery continues, architectural decisions and their privacy implications will be considered. Although Chosonclip will reside on one server, I’ll be implementing a geographically distributed database clustertio retain the user database if GDPR allows me to do it without too much trouble. Also disabling Webtorrent will be considered to improve privacy, although I will let a poll decide on it.

I thank you all for this patience. As Chosonclip is my own project, I will not run advertisements on it and I will not ask for financial contributions for the time being. All I wish for is having more people from here running Peertube instances to improve redundancy and having more content creators from here posting their content onto the Peertube network to increase our footprint there. If anyone has a question or wants help regarding Peertube, I will gladly help.