mander, as well as articles like these, are guilty of the condescending, white supremacist, colonial mentality vijay talks about.
mander, as well as articles like these, are guilty of the condescending, white supremacist, colonial mentality vijay talks about.
What exactly are you trying to convey here?
Did you watch the video? What do you think about the fact that western supremacists forced fossil fuels on their colonies, export production to them, have extremely poor workers make all their products, then blame those countries for their higher pollution levels?
obviously, you messed up some things…
Western parasites export production to other countries and then blame those countries for pollution. That’s the only thing messed up here.
And the greedy Chinese? Could not resist, how poor is that.
A racist will be racist.
If you say so, it must be true, comrade.
Huh, that’s funny.
Edit: Nitrous oxide aka laughing gas…