Throughout the years, Canary Mission has lost legitimacy, increasingly being recognized to be, as Falaneh put it, “extremely not credible.” It relies on fear-mongering, on tactics of intimidation, to suppress pro-Palestinian voices. This lawsuit may change that.
“Canary Mission and other similar outfits have long operated to harass, bully and intimidate students and young people who hold different opinions than their own with the goal of chilling their free speech and smearing their reputation for the benefit of a foreign government and its occupational interests,” Joseph Milburn, the CAIR Chicago attorney for Khan’s case, said. “It is our hope that we can protect individual American rights to freedom of speech free of doxxing while raising awareness against these shady practices and campaigns.”
As the lawsuit unfolds, it is the reminders of the ongoing genocide in Gaza that ground those who have been doxxed by Canary Mission in their continued advocacy for the Palestinian liberation movement. “It’s really easy to be fearful, but I don’t have any reason to fear more than the people in Palestine who are losing their lives,” Ali said.
“Our anger, our frustration, and our hope for the sanctity of Palestinian life should supersede and be greater than whatever fear we may potentially have,” Hamamy said. “I don’t think we ever have the right to prioritize our fear over the commitment that we should have to the Palestinian people.” She was one of two protesters who interrupted Kamala Harris’ rally in Detroit earlier this week to demand an arms embargo and a ceasefire in Gaza.
Students imagine not only a future without insidious doxxing organizations, but moreover, a future without the Israeli occupation. “It’s sad that this matters now,” Arun said, thinking of the daunting battles ahead—the Canary Mission case, and his own legal troubles. “But history is going to absolve us.”
I seriously think that the Canary Mission is antisemitic. I am not only saying that to make myself look clever. Canary Mission has dozens of profiles of anticolonial Jews accusing them of antisemitism, yet it also has some profiles on white supremacists… as if they belonged to the same category… and this organization still has the nerve to whine about people likening its favorite ethnostate to the Third Reich!
Oh, and while I did not save it (for obvious reasons), I could have sworn that yesteryear Canary Mission drew an antisemitic cartoon caricature to promote something talking about blood libel. I’m guessing that the cartoon was supposed to be ‘ironic’.
Thankfully, the apartheid régime is in decline, and I am sure that this crappy little organisation shall vanish along with it, having lost its purpose.