This will probably be one of Rainer’s most controversial articles to date.

  • Black AOC
    1 year ago

    I can’t speak for the community as a monolith, but from where I sit, if ‘mathematical necessity’ means subordination to the sons and daughters of the same settlers that stripped us of our names, religions, cultures, and place in the world, then no. Flatly. I’d rather be liquidated than assimilate into whiteness-- and make no mistake, that’s all I see the settler-led left parties as.

    My genealogical trail to follow disappears after 1900. I will never know where I originally came from, who I was related to, what I am more than a mutt tainted by slavers-- and the constant demands for subordination to settler interests from the white left, over unfinished business in the wake of Reconstruction’s failure really, just reminds me of everything else that was already taken. Things that we need to re-establish ourselves if no one wants to get right.

    • linkhidalgogato
      1 year ago

      so what do u think should happen? would something similar to the way the soviets republics worked not be the best solution, cuz thats what i have seen as the predominant idea from the so called “settler” left and i cant really imagine a better solution if autonomy on a national level is a requirement.

      • Black AOC
        1 year ago

        NFAC had some good ideas. Not enough to keep perpetuating post-GM Jay getting locked up, especially not with how they cut out Black folk who only have Black moms; but there were some good ideas regarding ‘armed formations all on the same accord finding a way to either buy land, or take it from the settlers.’

        Assuming we pull that off, then we coalition build with the other historically downtrod, as I know that NFAC probs wasn’t planning on that-- the more I look at them in hindsight, the more issues I have; but they at least had a start.

    • Lemmy_Mouse
      1 year ago

      I don’t blame you. I think all prols should be free to practice what they please for culture, and religion too so long as it does not pose a threat to the DotP (referencing Christianity mostly here). America has never been a culture of the settlers, that is something they would advocate but this is not the truth of the matter. Many peoples have come to call this land home, it is indeed a ‘melting pot’. We should not aim to seperate these cultures nor pretend they do not exist as the settlers have, we should embrace multiculturalism however from a proletarian standpoint not cynically as the bourgeoisie have