The only exceptional thing about the crisis the working class is experiencing is that it comes at a stage in capitalism’s collapse where the potential for destruction is unprecedented. Where the system is producing the greatest ever risk of nuclear war, a destabilization of the climate, and the terminal decline of the economic system within the American sphere. These events cause or correlate with a great amount of misery and deprivation for the working class, but misery and deprivation for the working class are not the exception. There have always been horrifically exploited people under capitalism. And during the last half-century, this exploitation has been getting progressively more severe, and present in the lives of more people. Socioeconomic cruelty is nothing new for a great proportion of society. This inflation crisis, and the Fed’s scheme to exacerbate it by driving up unemployment for corporate interests, represent the point where this cruelty has grown big enough to cause unprecedented mass backlash.
Is this in reference to the recent labor movement victories?