“I feel the best thing to do is take the war into Europe,” he said last December. “Organize the [Ukrainian] diaspora and refugees, and start striking the russians and their allies in the West.” Later he predicted that the United States will become “a major front in the war.” Meanwhile, he called on American leftists to face the same “consequences” as neo[fascists], as in, it should become morally acceptable to physically assault them.

This includes pro-Palestinian activists (guilty of doing “Nazi shit” and “a ratfucking op”), “tankies” and “dirtbag leftists” (who “are basically Nazis”), members of DSA (after all, “most of these people are more accurately national socialists”), and PSL. (“These groups justify any kind of violence in the name of decolonization. So I guess that means they’re fair game for Ukrainians fighting Russian occupation.”)

Still fantasizing about the “Day of the Rope”? “I’m not even opposed to what some may call vigilante justice,” he said earlier this year. “When I come back to the US I’m going to help clean out the garbage.” It was around this time that I was strangled in Washington by Marko Suprun, the main face of the aforementioned “StopFake.”

For “Spaghetti Kozak” and other rabid NAFO dogs, this was a good start. “Choking, punching, and stomping a Grayzone ‘reporter’ isn’t just okay, it’s morally correct,” said “Fella Hendrix.” (I don’t work for the Grayzone, but this is NAFO dogma.) “Good for Marko,” chimed in James. “These people aren’t journalists; they’re unregistered agents for multiple fascist dictatorships. And because our govt won’t defend its citizens from such rats, people have to do the job themselves.” At the time, I was surprised to see him engage an antisemitic troll calling me “Moss Rosenberg.” Of course, it all makes sense now.

Lying Spaghetti Monster

According to “Spaghetti Kozak,” I’m a “weird stalker” who “likely has mental illness” and is “probably a sex offender.” But these aren’t the blatant lies that concern me. Earlier this year, he spent a week “doing some training” with the 3rd Assault Brigade, an openly neo[fascist] formation of the Azov movement, which James insists is “just a regular military unit.” As a former hardcore [Stormfronter], he would obviously know better, and certainly does.

For example, just last year he said this about the black sun, a neo[fascist] symbol used by several units in the 3rd Assault Brigade: “Many folks erroneously think it’s just a Slavic pagan symbol. But yeah, it’s bullshit and people shouldn’t defend it.” Instead of openly defending it, James intentionally obfuscates the reality. “It’s all very complicated,” he says, and “the least important thing to report on right now.”

Perhaps “Spaghetti Kozak” takes some satisfaction in knowing that, in the worst case scenario, Azov would create an “Aryan state in my lifetime.” As explained by the journalist Leonid Ragozin, “Azov’s Reconquista agenda goes far beyond Ukraine. It envisages the ‘liberation’ of Russia as stage two. Russian neo-nazis played a big role in it from day one.” (“J.P. Slovjanski” would have probably come on board, too, if they let him.)

The economist Branko Milanović added a relevant comment: “I’ve come to the conclusion that in 99% of the cases, ideology of extreme nationalism is purely a way to package a desire to fight, kill, steal, rape, etc. That’s why they can easily change ideologies. They mean nothing to them.” As for “Spaghetti Kozak,” he has continued to call himself a “leftist.”

(Emphasis original.)

James Slavyanski’s (brief) detour into revolutionary leftism is hardly unusual among petty bourgeois men who can’t decide if they hate their corporate competitors or the lower classes more, and grossly misinterpreting successful movements to be more in line with his politics is likewise to be expected given neofascism’s desperate need for long‐term successes to cite as examples. I would be unalarmed about his ‘leftist’ history, especially given how strongly opposed to us he is now.

Click here for events that happened today (September 9).

1908: Shigekazu Shimazaki, Axis career officer, was born.
1936: At the NSDAP’s annual rally the Chancellor announced a four year plan for economic and military revival under Hermann Göring’s supervision. Hjalmar Schlat, the Reich Minister of Economics, was insultingly unnotified of the plan until its public announcement. Meanwhile, the crews of Portuguese Navy frigate NRP Afonso de Albuquerque and destroyer Dão mutinied against the Salazar régime’s support of General Franco’s coup and declared their solidarity with the Spanish Republic.
1939: The Battle of Hel commenced, and became the longest‐defended pocket of Polish Army resistance during the Fascist invasion of Poland. (Coincidentally, Burmese national hero U Ottama starved in prison after a hunger strike to protest Britain’s colonial government.)
1940: The Hungarian Army perpetrated the Treznea Massacre in Transylvania.
1941: Vojtech Tuka, with the guidance of SS‐Hauptstrumführer Dieter Wisliceny, enacted the Ordinance Judenkodex, which required Slovakian Jews to wear the yellow Stars of David, annulled all debts owed to Jews, confiscated Jewish property, and deported all Jews from the capital Bratislava. Aside from that, Hans Spemann, Fascist embryologist, expired.
1942: An Axis floatplane dropped incendiary bombs on Oregon.
1943: The Allies landed at Salerno and Taranto, Italy. Coincidentally, Reich bombers killed the former Axis admiral Carlo Bergamini.
1944: The Axis lost the Kingdom of Bulgaria because of the armed rebellion throughout the country and specifically the military coup in the capital.
1945: The Empire of Japan officially surrendered to China.