An anti-trans rally in Melbourne, Australia over the weekend included the shocking sight of black-clad neo-Nazis goosestepping to the front of Victoria’s Parliament House and throwing the sieg-heil salute. Now the state’s government is saying they’ll ban the [Fascist] salute.

The Let Women Speak rally, led by notorious U.K. transphobe Posie Parker, attracted an angry mob of about 400 anti-trans protesters on Saturday to the streets in front of the state of Victoria’s seat of government, and at least 30 members of the far-right Nationalist Socialist Movement.


From their perch on the steps of Parliament House, the neo-Nazis, some disguised under black balaclavas, shouted slurs at the LGBTQ+ counter-protesters and chanted “White power!” The group held a large banner emblazoned with the words, “Destroy Paedo Freaks.”

As the neo-Nazi cohort taunted counter-protesters with anti-gay slurs, trans-rights activists chanted, “Posie Parker you can’t hide, you’ve got Nazis on your side!”


Anti-trans Posie Parker supporters give Nazi salutes and chant ‘white power’

New Zealand is reportedly reviewing whether it will permit Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull enter the country, after an Australia rally attracted support from a group of Neo-Nazis.

Australian premier slams neo-Nazis at Posie Parker event, tells trans citizens: ‘Our government will always support you’

Nazi salute to be banned in Victoria, Australia after ‘disgusting’ gesture seen at anti-trans rally

ETA: Kellie-Jay & the Neo-Nazis