Nkosi Zwelivelile Mandela made a great statement today to Sputnik at the Eastern Economic Forum. Snip:

“We not only defeated the Apartheid regime in South Africa, but we defeated its allies as well. You know that the United Kingdom through Margaret Thatcher as well as the United States of America through Ronald Reagan’s administration supported the Apartheid regime to the hilt. But our friends, through our darkest days in the struggle for liberation, like Russia, China and many others in the international solidarity movement who rallied behind the anti-Apartheid campaign, ensured that they gave full support to our cause to defeat the Western imperialist agenda. And what we are seeing in multipolarity is a continuation of that,” Mandela told Sputnik on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum on Thursday.

“Many countries do not want to continuously be bowing down to their colonial masters and settler colonialists” today Mandela said, pointing to the example of the Palestinians and their struggle for liberation and statehood.