• Joe Bidet@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    discrimination doesnt start with “suggesting bad things about a group of people”, it starts by creating such a group of people, and enforcing it, culturally, politically, socially and at every level (including by jokes, memes, etc.). then at some point in history when society will be tense enough and on the verge of collapse, there will always be someone to suggest that this virtual “group of people” is the cause of… you know… everything bad.

    but discrimination starts way way earlier. when making “groups of people” based on things they didn’t chose, and that actually shouldn’t matter so much…

    • grin@fika.grin.hu
      1 year ago

      @JoeBidet > discrimination doesnt start with “suggesting bad things about a group of people”, it starts by creating such a group of people,

      You already said you’re aware that the human mind (and in fact every mind on Earth) works by grouping and comparing, so your expectations are unrealistic.

      For example you seem to be in the group of US people, also in the group of social justice warriors, also in men group, also in the group who uses alternative means for communication, also in various other groups (including the one containing persons who actually able to think and formulate good arguments). So am I a racist just because I form groups and collected you into them? I have various prejudices about these groups but I do not have hate, nor (significant 😉) superiority feeling.

      You can’t have no groups. We call that what you’re doing “pissing against the wind”, and you know the result: you will change nothing but wetting yourself.