‘After 72 hours without power in Israel – it will be uninhabitable,’ says CEO of company overseeing electrical systems.

Israel is utterly unprepared for a war with Hezbollah and for the toll such a conflict could take on the country’s power infrastructure, the CEO of a company that manages and oversees Israel’s electrical systems on behalf of the government said on Thursday.

“We are not ready for a real war. We live in a fantasy world, in my eyes,” said Shaul Goldstein, head of Noga – the Israel Independent System Operator. Later, in an interview with Kan Public Broadcaster, he seemed to walk his comments back somewhat: “I said irresponsible things. I shouldn’t have.”

“If Nasrallah decides to paralyze Israel’s power grid, he only needs to pick up the phone and call the head of Beirut’s power grid, which is [technically] identical to Israel’s.” Goldstein said, before noting that “the upside is that we have invested a lot in protection, working together with Israel Electric Company.”

  • with every month that passes, it’s seeming more and more likely that this colonial project exists entirely by the constant injection of material supports from the metropole. logistics, security, weapons and cash, sure, but also credit and banking relations.

    I think BDS or even a slight drawing down of support for the Israeli government from all limbs of the western hegemony represents an existential threat to its continued existence and the entire thing would fold in on itself rapidly as the various grifters and opportunists feeding and siphoning off wealth from the capital faucet will rapidly bleed out the project and vanish in the commotion of its implosion.