Just curious.

  • DessalinesM
    11 year ago

    It’s a heart now. The up / down arrow thing was too ugly, and its only used on Reddit now anyway.

    • Jonny
      61 year ago

      Hmm, but a heart and a thumb down is not really the opposite of each other…

    • @jackalope@lemmy.mlOP
      1 year ago

      Personally I find this choice weird and a bit ugly in its own way but ultimately that’s a matter of subjective aesthetic preference.

    • Cold Hotman
      11 year ago

      I recently updated and got really confused by the lack of up- and downvotes. My honest first reaction to this update was to double-check if I was using Jerboa or had accidentally opened one of the many other (non-lemmy) fediverse clients I’m testing for Friendica and Mastodon. Up- and downvotes in Lemmy, thumbs up and down is Friendica, hearts is Mastodon in my experience.

      Please reconsider, making Lemmy and Jerboa use similar up- and downvote styles for consistency.

      • DessalinesM
        11 year ago

        The hearts come not only from other android apps like mastodon, but I also tried out a lot of things, and the hearts look the best.

        I get that its weird, and if someone finds some good android-compliant up and down unfilled and filled arrows (they aren’t in the android material icon extended repo), I’ll consider it. But keep in mind that every tiny UI change is going to upset some people, and this app is still in alpha. When and if I switch back to arrows, people will have gotten used to the hearts, and complain again.

        • Cold Hotman
          11 year ago

          I understand your argument about people reacting to changes, but why this change? It’s moved Jerboa away from Lemmy in terms of recognizable identity - Lemmy is the only news aggregator and the only one that uses pure up and down votes on the fediverse as far as I know.

          It seems like change for changes sake. Tell me how to find out what android compliancy is when it comes to icons and I’ll start looking. I’ll even make some sets of arrows in GIMP if I can’t find something with a permissive license.

            • Cold Hotman
              21 year ago

              Thank you for your explanation. With the change in design language and without a chance of helping out, i.e. finding compatible arrows or designing something from scratch, I prefer the lovely 0.20 and will stay there for now. Please add any redesigns to the release notes so I know if I want to try an upgrade.