Marking this NSFW because it’s extremely online.

Context: Mr Pepperoni (d*stiny) said the n-word on his podcast like 3 days ago. SeanDaBlack watches the clip on his twitch stream and says “this is why we should have killed slave owners”. Clip is posted on reddit and now on the front page. Reddit is mad about SeanDaBlack saying we should have killed slave owners and not mad at d*stiny for saying the n-word.

SeanDaBlack is a leftist and friend of Hasanabi. SeanDaBlack gained popularity online when he programmed a bot which spams anti-abortion websites with fake info (extremely cool).

Reasons that I’m posting this: 1) advocating to kill slave owners is the same reason /r/cth was banned. 2) it’s on the front page of /r/all 3) figures like Brianna Wu are now posting the clip on twitter.

  • blakeus12 [they/them, he/him]
    4 months ago

    i was always confused about this picture. we were taught in school that they erased this guy. is that true? why the fuck would they do that? what a waste of time

    if they really erased this dude from memory why do we have the original pic?

    • Drewfro66
      4 months ago

      They didn’t erase the guy from memory, they just liked the picture of Stalin so when the other people in the picture lost favor with the government they edited them out so they could keep using it.

      Say you went on honeymoon to France, and you made vacation friends with a Frenchman there, who ended up being in several of your honeymoon pictures. The Frenchman is later convinced as a pedophile, and you don’t want to be associated with him anymore. You photoshop the Frenchman out of your honeymoon photos so that you can keep using them.