Another week, another thread. Go out there and have a good one everyone! trans-heart

  • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
    4 months ago

    Your feelings are completely valid :meow-heart: I can definitely relate to “well other people have it worse so how can I complain”, but you know that’s not true. Being tall when you don’t want to be sucks, even if other people are taller 🤷.

    I feel like there might be a few people here with a similar reaction to that of my friend.

    I’ll fight them 🤷 and kick their asses. There’s no reason for anyone to be angry at you because what, you’ve starved yourself down to a small? ridiculous. It really sounds like your friend is the one with an issue (although please don’t slip into an ED).

    • 🎀 Seryph (She/Her)
      4 months ago

      Okay this actually made me tear up a little to read, thank you so much, I think I really needed to hear this.


      Also the ED likely won’t be a problem, I’m in a position now where I can afford food and I’ve been eating decently now because of it. Not quite as much as when I was living with my parents, but enough that I feel healthier than I have in months. I’m actually feeling really nice about my food situation rn since I’ve reached a point where I’ve been able to motivate myself to at least cook one proper meal every day instead of meal planning, and that has been a real comfort. The meals themselves are usually basic stuff like simple pasta but that still makes me feel really nice to be able to do after so long where I couldn’t muster that motivation more than once every few weeks. (I even bake on weekends for little treats and that’s been very fun)

      • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
        4 months ago

        I’m glad :care: I was very tired when I posted so I wasn’t sure if I was being helpful or not.

        That’s great to hear! I love simple meals! And yes, baking on the weekends is very fun. I usually end up making at least one treat on the weekend.