• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆@lemmy.mlOP
    2 years ago

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    “The risk of a De-industrialization in Germany is real” By Daniel Friedrich Sturm

    Ironically, the USA hosted their economic policies with strict protectionism “against us”, the settlement alleges Lars Kling. President Joe Biden is no different between Europe and China. The SPD chief sees the danger that companies of Germany, migrated to America.

    WORLD: Mr. Klingbeil, you have three days of political talks in Washington and New York led. What is your conclusion?

    Lars Klingbeil: to Me, it was about three topics. Firstly, analysis of the mid-term elections, which is connected with the question of how the results will affect the U.S.-Ukraine policy. Secondly, Our TRANS-Atlantic relations, of course, now the war influenced by Russia.

    Third: Joe Biden’s industrial policy, based on the Inflation Reduction Act. Here I have explained our Concerns. The United States need to know that your industry may cause a policy to a new competition with Germany and Europe.

    WORLD: The industrial policy, we will come later. German politicians to say that Washington, in Berlin “time to turn” prices. Interesting but that is the number of critical issues have you encountered this?

    Klingbeil: government officials have told me how happy you are about the cooperation between the two governments. The West is put to the war in the Ukraine. Joe Biden has resulted in similar talks with the Chinese President, as before, Olaf Scholz. We both want to, that China is positioning itself to Russia’s war.

    Critical questions I heard in the think tanks, such as: How sustainable is the time to turn? How, permanently, which is foreign and security political commitment of Germany? How much money is it for defense?

    WORLD: And?

    Klingbeil: no one knows how the U.S. presidential election in 2024 out to be. That’s why Europe needs to become more self-reliant adult. As a crucial leadership role to play in Germany.

    WORLD: The US for many years, more than three percent of its economic power for defense. You should have seen Calls to do the same?

    Klingbeil: of Course, would the Americans are happy, we invested more than planned in the defense. But you see, what a big step, we will go already to the special Fund of 100 billion euros for the German armed forces and by we meet in the future, the Two-percent target.

    WORLD: The benchmark of two percent is, “what are we allies would expect,” says US defence Secretary, Lloyd Austin. “We encourage these two per cent sure.”

    Klingbeil: We reach the two per cent, we will give 100 billion Euro, we will arrange the procurement of new. So, we will strengthen the armed forces. We provide much more than in the past. Where the air is up: Europe needs to work more closely together. It may not be that of the 27 EU States, each with its own security policy, and not sufficiently coordinate.

    The turning point, however, has more than just a military component. Olaf Scholz is working day and night to make international alliances. At the G-20 summit, there was an impressive Alliance against Russia.

    WORLD: The government Biden is Europe and Nato approval. Germany is a European and Nato-critical of US President from 2025 prepared?

    Klingbeil: We are open every day for Joe Biden’s presence in the White house, grateful. But we have to adjust to the fact that it could be different. Europe needs to prepare for this scenario. We still have two years time.

    WORLD: What are the “true values”, the Germany and the US?

    Klingbeil: We have the Americans to thank for that. Remember the liberation of 1945, reconstruction, allowed us to return to the international community. Our culture unites us, but especially the values of democracy and freedom of expression.

    WORLD: What do you feel when you are in New York or Washington, the streets of the city?

    Klingbeil: I live in New York, where the attacks of September 11. September 2001 experienced. This has shaped me as a young student at the time. In Washington I lived once. I like this country, even if it works differently than in Germany. The political culture differs significantly from ours.

    WORLD: What do you think of Biden’s strictly protectionist policy? Subsidies for electric cars in the United States only if they have been completely manufactured in the USA …

    Klingbeil: In the United States the power of the state for large-scale industrial policy. There are, in fact, protectionist tendencies. At the end should not be that the United States is an economic policy against us, as Europeans, although you really want to hit China. We should claim aware of our concerns. Germany nabelt from Russia, we want to reduce the influence of China, our energy prices are high.

    All of this will challenge our industry tremendously. Because it is not good, if our greatest ally aligns in addition, his economic policies against us.

    WORLD: What do you mean with “economic policy is against us”?

    Klingbeil: The key words in the United States are “Buy American” and “Made in America”. The United States does not distinguish whether or not you get the Jobs from China or from Europe back to your country. This is not so. I hope that the Inflation Reduction Act is modified in its structure.

    WORLD: The energy prices in the U.S. are low, in addition, waving subsidies. They fear that the German industry to migrate to the USA?

    Klingbeil: There are these signals from the German industry. Make no mistake about it: The risk of De-industrialisation in Germany is real. The supply chains are broken in places, we have skills shortages and high energy prices. That’s why some companies make investment decisions against Germany.

    If now even the Federal Association of German industry calls for a strong state, and investment in, the shows, the market and the state must cooperate closely. In the US, is already happening.

    WORLD: France, speaks of a “trade war” with the United States. The Europeans pull together?

    Klingbeil: This term I’m going to me not to make them your own. And in terms of European economic policy, more on the way. Just one example: We need a capital market in Europe, not 27.

    WORLD: Who would have thought? The SPD chief is disappointed that the capitalist United States to operate an industrial policy, state intervention to prescribe.

    (smiles) Klingbeil: I am always glad when smart social-democratic thoughts prevail – and I hope that you are in Europe, too.

    The WORLD: when there is a new start for a transatlantic trade agreement? The last attempt to fight their party strong.

    Klingbeil: I in the United States said on many occasions that we are ready to do so. My impression is that the interest in the United States, however, is lower than in Europe. There will be no TTIP 2.0. But we should talk about new trade agreements.

    ChinaWORLD: for six years, Germany’s most important trading partner. The government in Beijing is acting Biden significantly more critical than the Chancellor Scholz. They were criticized for it?

    Klingbeil: For the China trip, Olaf Scholz, I praise belongs to. Especially with a view to the Meeting of President Biden with Xi. Both have moved to China’s head of state in quick succession to condemn the use of nuclear weapons. These conversations are important. We also need to talk with countries such as China. Foreign policy is more than just outrage.

    For our future China policy, I have the clear premise that we keep China from safety-relevant areas. We must not allow any unilateral dependence as well as with Russia. We must always be able to flip the switch. If China Taiwan should attack, we need to be able to in the shortest amount of time without China.

    WORLD: there is a cost to China, but nothing if it is nuclear weapons, warns.

    Klingbeil: For Russia is a clear message. Putin thought he combines many of the countries behind.

    WORLD: Why the silence, the Federal government largely to the violations of human rights against the Uighurs?

    Klingbeil: Olaf Scholz, has the theme in Beijing, raised. The Chancellor is not as clear.

    WORLD: Why does Germany not a battle tank of Ukraine?

    Klingbeil: Because we deliberately say that we are not alone, to make. No country in the West battle tank supplies. We supply tanks of Soviet design, the ring exchange. We are the third largest supplier of weapons to the Ukraine.

    WORLD: What is your favorite place in the United States, and which place would you like for the first time visit?

    Klingbeil: clearly, New York. Everything that I have experienced in the days after the “9/11” here, has me deeply tied to this city. Otherwise, I’d like to be a couple of days away from the big cities on the way. I think that when you come there, talking to people, you learn a lot about the country.