For years I thought “Bring Em Young University” was a joke about the mormon practice of marrying girls to old men. Come to find out the religion was started by a guy “Brigham Young” after whom an actual university is named and nobody thinks that’s weird at all.

I thought “Joe Mansion” was some kind of bizarro world “Joe the Plumber”. Maybe joking about rich conservatives putting on affectations of being working class. He is actually a politician and his name is spelled “Manchin” and some people seem to think he’s on the left.

  • FourteenEyes [he/him]
    6 months ago

    University named after guy who definitely 100% did not order the Mountain Meadows Massacre to happen, he even has the receipt for the telegram he sent the next day saying DON’T DO A MOUNTAIN MEADOWS MASSACRE so it’s totally legit