Biden administration dramatically softens the sanctions it imposed on the seven Israelis from the Israel Defense Forces and makes it clear that they will be able to use their bank accounts.

Original article in Hebrew

    6 months ago

    So AIPAC isn’t a thing to you ? or Rich American Zionist donors like the current US ambassador to japan Rahm Emanuel who was funneling money to the Israeli Propagandists Cochav Elkayam Levy who is behind the Hamas ‘Mass Rape’ Narrative Exposed As Fraud. their is no Hate in admitting that Many Zionists occupy key positions of power in many countries and parliaments like US, UK and Canada and are working to advance Israel interest.

    The liberal left has become very stupid and naive by labeling everything as hate, because they are unable to face the facts, by refusing to get into merky territory, they are keeping the working class under the illusion of a fair democratic system, while in reality they have those who pull the strings keep the status quo.

    • Amerikan Pharaoh
      6 months ago

      There’s an entire fucking UNIVERSE of difference between the /pol/ assertion “jews control the world” and the actually-on-level “Zionist fascists are the biggest financiers of the Democrat party”; and that this is really a question for you makes me question just where it is you spend your time when you’re not here.

      The religion as a whole isn’t the problem; it’s the fascist ideology that uses Judaism as a shield specifically to stoke antisemitic sentiment in the places where international Jewry calls home; specifically to drive them back to Israel to help with the settler-colonial project.